Enjoy our 100% Pure Ontario Small Batch Maple Syrup styles, directly from our farm to your family.

  • Early Harvest Golden

    Our 100% Pure Golden maple syrup is harvested from the sugarbush at the beginning of the season. This is our lightest small batch syrup style. Golden in colour and offers a very delicate maple flavour.

  • Mid Harvest Amber

    Our 100% Pure Amber maple syrup is harvested from the sugarbush mid-season. This is considered our traditional small batch syrup style. Amber in colour and offers a classic rich maple flavour.

  • Late Harvest Dark

    Our 100% Pure Dark maple syrup is harvested from the sugarbush at the end of the season. This is our darkest small batch syrup style. Dark amber in colour and offers a robust, hearty maple flavour.


Elliott Tree Farm Home of the Maple Syrup Museum of Ontario

Elliott Tree Farm specializes in growing Christmas trees and producing maple syrup. The farm opens their doors for authentic farm experiences every Christmas and maple season where visitors can taste and purchase our fresh Ontario Grade A Small Batch Maple Syrup. You can now also experience our award-winning small batch maple products through our online store, delivered direct from our farm to your family.

Please keep refrigerated after opening.

Products sold on our website are not intended for resale.